Traces and Detours
performances | 2016
Traços e Desvios são uma série de performances que surgem da necessidade de decompor ou reduzir a nossa pesquisa aos seus elementos-base. Esta redução é uma forma de materializar uma inquietação constante no questionamento das nossas metodologias e formatos de apresentação.
As performances são improvisações estruturadas que dependem de um estado de pesquisa, sem a necessidade de corresponder a qualquer ideia de coerência ou unidade. Tirando partido da natureza imediata e lúdica do estado de pesquisa, acabamos por expôr a forma como trabalhamos juntos, como pensamos e como continuamos a alimentar o acontecimento.
As performances acabam assim por ser uma ferramenta para continuar a questionar e a expandir a nossa pesquisa na partilha com o público.
Traces and detours is a series of three performances that emerged form our need to decompose or reduce our research to its basic elements. This reduction is a way to materialize an unsolved and non-stopping process of questioning about our methodologies and formats of presentation.
The performances are structured improvisations and rely on a state of research, disengaged from any need for coherence or unity. Taking advantage of the immediate, unpredictable and even ludic environment of the research, we end up exposing the nature of how we work together, of how we think and how we keep going.
The performances work as a tool to keep on questioning, updating and expanding our research in the presence of an audience.
Concept and Performance Sofia Dias e Vítor Roriz
Artistic Assistance Filipe Pereira
Sound Sofia Dias
Collaboration Catarina Dias, Thomas Walgrave, Miguel Lima
Technical Direction Nuno Borda de Água
Production S&V
Touring Rui Silveira - Something Great
Co-production Alkantara, Par ICI.
Maio / May - Junho / June 2016
Dezembro / December 2016
Este projecto apresentou-se pela primeira vez sob o título de Performances para o Alkantara em Junho de 2016. Depois, em Dezembro de 2016 Performances #1, 2 e 3 no Par/ICI CCN Montpelier e finalmente, desde 2018 Traços e desvios.
This project was first presented under the name Performances for Alkantara in June 2016, then Performances #1,2 and 3 at Par/ICI CCN Montpellier in December 2016 and finally as Traces and Detours since 2018.
These performances are created in a site-specific logic, so they can be adapted to non-conventional spaces. Examples: Galleries, open spaces, studios etc.
"Me voici sur une nouvelle voie: je mets une pomme sur ma table. Puis je me mets dans cette pomme. Quelle tranquillité!"
Henri Michaux
animism . obsession . systems
A performance about the relation between body, objects and space. An interaction through two different physical/mental states and the in-between possibilities: primal state connected to the absence of memory about the functionality of things, and the perception of the context as a landscape of textures; dispersive state connected to the juxtaposition of time and constant deviation of focus. The performance becomes a constant process of creating and getting out from very different logics of relation with each other, audience, objects and space.
The objects we use determine much of the meanings and readings of the performance. Depending on the context of presentation we could use trivial objects that we find during the preparation of the performance inside or outside the venue’s area; or we could use some specific objects that we ask to be done or offered by visual artists invited to think with us the possibilities of the performance; or we could opt for unused scenographic objects from our creative processes.
"Écrire, entendu comme un acte physique; une sculpture miniature, cet ensemble de mouvements, cette saisie de l’instrument qui attaque une surface, qui s’abat sur elle et la transforme. (...) Et tout est bon pour écrire; tout est bon pour recevoir l’écriture.”
Goncalo M. Tavares
trace . repetition . detour
Continuous writing with chalk on black boards.
Writing is a physical act, it is gesture and movement. This performance allows us to explore the ways in which written words become trace and drawing and then return to the familiarity of symbols to once again find the abstraction of gesture and of the body who writes.
We are interested in developing a research where the writing is thinking in action, as an automatic writing that assumes various forms such as dialogue, description, naming, drawing and even the sound of the writing material.
The performer's attention oscilates between each one of these possibilities that have the same degree of importance, seeking to reflect upon the subtle relations our mind finds to articulate events and give sense to what and how we perceive.
“We have to recognize a very recent and strong attraction to the abyss.”
debris . simultaneity . fragmentation . double
A spoken word performance where we articulate different texts from different sources. Most of the texts are improvised, other are evocations of texts created during our work process and other are excerpts from our literary, poetic, philosphy or film references. The way texts are said is connected to a choreographic logic. The departing point of most of the text is movement or gesture - gesture evokes an image that suggests a word and from there on a narrative is created. Gesture can iniciate but also interrupt or deviate the meaning of text. We're interested on that feedback dynamics between spoken word and movement. Absurdity, humour, intimacy, the construction of small narratives the emptiness and the judgement about what we're saying are some of the nuances this performance can exhibit.